The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a unique form of hatha yoga that blends the 5,000 year-old yogic tradition of India with the principles of Dr. Deepak Chopra's international best-selling classic "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success".

The Chopra Center co-founders, Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon have designed a daily yoga practice to help you unite the body, mind, and spirit. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga infuses your practice with the spirit while bringing the seven laws into action each day. Each class plays a key role in yoga's path to enlightenment while providing you with a wealth of meditation techniques, mantras, breathing awareness and yoga poses.

  • The spiritual law of the day
  • Pranayama breathing exercises
  • Strength, flexibility and balance postures
  • Meditation techniques
  • Energy opening postures
  • Chakra toning
  • Infinite possibilities

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj", meaning union; union of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is more than an exercise routine, and it is a complete science of balanced living and a path to higher knowledge and joyful abundance.